Living Healthy Physical Therapy
Located at 667 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA94131 Call 415 906 2055 Fax 415 906 2056
15 minutes
Perhaps you are not sure about having a PT come to your home and would like to know more about what I can offer.
If so, let’s set up a time to chat for 15 minutes, discuss your problem and determine if we will be a good match. I recommend that you prepare your questions ahead of time so that we can make the most of this time.
Comprehensive EVALUATION
90 minutes
This will be your very first visit for your current condition. In this session, I will have you complete some forms then I will ask you what you hope to get from Physical Therapy. Then I will ask about the history of your current problem and any other medical history that may be pertinent. Physical testing is usually next on the agenda to determine your limitations but most importantly to discover your potential for recovery. After a thorough examination of your whole person, we will discuss your goals and associated plan of care. We should have plenty of time to get you started on a treatment including a home program to do until we meet again.
Tests are carefully chosen to ensure no aggravation of symptoms and may include:
Postural Assessment
Assessment of walking or running
Range of motion
Strength and flexibility testing
Neurological testing
Balance testing
Various special tests related to your condition
90 minutes
This evaluation will be a more specific version of the general evaluation listed above assessing in particular specific abilities related to balance and causes associated with your balance deficits.
Tests are carefully chosen and will include any or all of the following:
Fall Risk Assessment
Dizziness Assessment
Change of Position Balance Assessment
Standing Balance
Dynamic Walking Balance
Sensory Orientation
Positional testing for BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
Follow Up Visits
60 Minutes each
At the end of your evaluation we will discuss approximately how many treatments we think it will take, how often you will need me to come and what works for your schedule. In these sessions, we will progress your home program, reassess when necessary, work on the activities you are trying to improve. I will also provide you with online and recommended resources to purchase to enable you to complete your program efficiently and effectively.
Treatments are carefully chosen to ensure no aggravation of symptoms and may include the services listed below.
Therapeutic exercise and Activity
Individual exercise program designed to develop range of motion, flexibility, strength and endurance.
Core stabilization (with Pilates principles) incorporated into all programs
Movement Retraining specific to your home, work sport or recreational activity
Gym exercise recommendations (I am happy to advise and work together with your personal trainer to ensure that you do the best exercises to promote healing)
Taping has very limited research at the current time however, I was fortunate to be trained by one of the founding Physios in the taping world, Jenny McConnell. So I have been taping in its various forms for 30+ years and have had wonderful anecdotal results.
McConnell taping - I use leukotape to stabilize joints such as the shoulder and patellofemoral joint and where needed the upper and low back.
Kinesiology taping - Kinesiology tape is stretchy tape that can be used in many and varied ways. It is particularly useful in movement recovery.
Modality Instruction
I will not supply treatment modalities however if we decide together that any of these maybe of benefit to you, I will give you recommendations on units to purchase (if needed) and best buy bets.
Application of heat and/or ice
TENs unit adjustment, application and instruction
Ice compression units
Traction units
Paraffin wax units
Other Services
Video Run/ Walk Analysis
60-90 minutes
For this analysis, I video you running or walking on a treadmill from different angles and take photos of pertinent moments to help you determine what deficits you may have in your running/walking style. I will help determine causes of pain that you may be having with walking, hiking, races, fun runs and begin you on the course to improve your running/walking/hiking style and efficiency.
Detailed Postural Analysis
60-90 minutes
For this analysis, I photograph you in standing, sitting and squatting. We analyze these positions using accurate postural assessment. After analysis, I will spend time with you educating you on how to get the best posture in these various positions and provide you with initial exercises to get you started on maintaining the best posture for your particular activity. A detailed postural report will be included for your information and can also be provided to any other fitness or health care professional that you request.
Annual CheckUP
60 minutes
This service is most particularly important to establish your physical baseline and note any progression or loss using evidence based tests. Your balance, strength, flexibility and your endurance are all assessed and most items tested can be compared to other people in your age group so you can see what you need to work on or even how far above average you are!
Get in touch
Dr Kylie E Rowe PT
Mailing Address:
970 Duncan St, Apt 305F
San Francisco, CA. 94131
Tel: 415 - 906 - 2055
Fax: 415 - 906 - 2056