Living Healthy Physical Therapy
Located at 667 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA94131 Call 415 906 2055 Fax 415 906 2056
Covid -19 Protocols at LHPT
In this 540 square foot facility there are two windows open 100% of the time and three doors which are opened every half an hour to air out the clinic and kept open during warmer months where possible. We also have an air purifer.
Clients are emailed a guidance to stay at home and get tested if they or members of the household have experienced symptoms on the day of their appointment or within the last 14 days. If email is unavailable, then a client is called and screened by phone.
Clients are asked to arrive no sooner than on time to minimize contact with other clients and allow for cleaning between clients. If a client arrives late, their session will not be able to be extended.
All intake paperwork is done via DocuSign and most billing is done via Square online to minimize contact. Paper billing is done via mail monthly. Payments can be taken via square at the time of treatment. Appropriate sanitization measures are taken when paper forms are required. All forms of payment are accepted.
Treatment table and gym mats are disinfected between clients.
All staff self-screen prior to work and understand to stay home or leave work and notify clients if ill.
All staff appropriately sanitize hands and gloves before, after and frequently throughout the client session.
All staff and clients wear face masks. Where a mask is not appropriate (valve masks are not accepted) or unavailable, we will provide one.
All staff maintains physical distancing of at least 6 feet apart except when needed to come closer to assist with exercise guidance and/or provide manual therapy.
The clinic is aired out with fresh air every half an hour (between appointments). When fresh air is unavailable (e.g. poor air quality days) an air purifier is used.
Clients may cancel appointments without penalty.
High touch areas and equipment are regularly disinfected even during client sessions.
Hand sanitizer and a sink with soap and water are available to clients throughout the session.
ADA compliant Bathroom is disinfected regularly.